DryTech Roofing and Home

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4 Things to Expect in Your Roof Replacement Project

After signing the contract and setting the installation date, all you need to do now is wait and prepare for your upcoming roof replacement. While roofers will do most of the heavy lifting, knowing what to expect with your project can help you anticipate anything that could derail it.

Here are things to expect in the course of the procedure.

  1. It will be busier than usual – The days leading to installation day can shake things up in your home. Materials will be delivered ahead of time, so expect trucks coming back and forth. Clear an area, perhaps in your front yard or garage, where the roofing materials can be stored in the meantime. Our trucks and other delivery vehicles may also need parking space, so this is another thing to look at early on.

  2. Yard wear and tear – Our installation team will be all over the yard during installation, so there’s a chance that the grass may get trampled on while the project is ongoing. If this is a concern, our team leader will work with you to designate which areas are off-limits and which areas they can use.

  3. There will be dust and debris – Seasoned roofers will tell you that replacing roofs generate a lot of dust, and most of it will come from the old material. Dust and debris will be inevitably thrown about when we cut the roof deck and other materials to size, so it’s a good idea to have some dust masks on hand before the project begins. If the children can’t be sent off to relatives while the project is ongoing, better have some extra dust masks on hand.

  4. It will be noisy – With the amount of shoveling, hammering, and cutting involved, roof replacement projects tend to be noisy, which thankfully lasts for a day on average. Inform your neighbors about the project in advance so they know what to expect once the project begins.

DryTech Roofing LLC serves Maryland and nearby areas. To know more about our roofing services including roof repair, call us today at (240) 491-5600 or fill out our contact form for a free, no-obligation estimate.