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Less Common Roofing Questions That You Should Ask

Roofing systems have various components, some of which are never really given proper attention or interest when planning projects. To ensure that you’re not missing out on important information that can help you make better decisions regarding your roof, make sure to ask roofers these less frequently asked questions.


What’s the Best Type of Underlayment?


It’s ideal to have an ice and water shield made of polyethylene and rubberized asphalt installed over your entire roof. This membrane prevents water that has already reached the underside of your shingles from further seeping through the ceilings below.


Why Is Felt Paper Used in Roofing Systems?


Roofers recommend using felt paper in roofing systems in order to have another layer of protection against rain. Keep in mind, though, that a different weight of felt is used depending on the kind of roof you have.


Felt paper is typically inserted between wood and asphalt. This is because wood tends to produce sap, which can then break down the backside of the asphalt shingles. If left unchecked, you may have bigger problems especially during rainy days.


Which Is Better in Terms of Durability: Shallow-Pitched Roofing or Steep-Pitched Roofing?


With regards to durability, several factors usually contribute to the performance of a roof. However, its pitch can be a significant consideration if you’re weighing some pros and cons. For instance, steep roofing generally has lower risk for moisture damage and moss growth, but it can also be in a vulnerable position when it is installed in an unshaded area facing south. To keep it protected, ensure that your roofing system is vented properly. Otherwise, the heat could easily build up underneath your roofing and cause extensive damage.


Whether you need help with roof repair or replacement, DryTech Roofing LLC can ensure top-notch workmanship. We have been in business since 2000, providing quality service that offers value for our clients’ money. Call us at (240) 491-5600 or fill out our contact form to request a quote. We serve customers in Maryland.