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The Best Siding in Maryland Defends Against Bad Weather and Pollution


A survey conducted by George Mason University and the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene discovered that most Marylanders (about 70 percent) now “consider air pollution — more than obesity — the primary concern when it comes to personal health.” As such, working with a Maryland siding company isn’t just about making homes more aesthetically beautiful, but also for the well-being of the entire household. WTOP (103.5 FM) provided additional details:

Fifty-three percent of Maryland respondents say violent storms are becoming more common health problems in their communities, and 48 percent of survey respondents say climate change is a health problem in their communities.

“The link between climate change and public health is one that I think people are becoming increasingly aware of, and we are trying to think about ways that we, as a public health community, can and should be participating in that planning for climate change,” says Dr. Clifford Mitchell, director of the Environmental Health Bureau at the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

While they don’t exactly provide complete protection against pollution, siding materials can help protect the family from the perils brought about by dust and smoke, and not just snow, hail, and strong winds (which they were originally intended to counter). It’s also said that bad weather patterns in Maryland are likely to worsen, further emphasizing the importance of reliable siding. The quality of protection that they can offer depends on how well they’re made, however, which is why companies like DryTech Roofing and Home Solutions only use reputable siding brands like HardieZone that utilize superior manufacturing techniques.

Other brands specialize in reducing pollution thanks to their vinyl siding which, according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, have one of the lowest environmental impacts among siding products. Even though these materials are readily available to anyone, a great deal of planning is still needed to utilize a siding system to its fullest.

For example, Marylanders are advised to seek out specific services from Maryland siding companies depending on their geographic location; those who live in the western part of the state (like Columbia) are likely to suffer from heavy rain and snowfall, which entails using thermal-insulating siding materials. On the other hand, those living near the shores (like Annapolis) should prepare themselves for floods, meaning greater use of water-resistant siding products will be a must.

(From Is climate change affecting your health?, WTOP, October 02, 2013)