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When to Call Reputable Roofers in Maryland for Repair or Replacement


If you live in Maryland, a state in the U.S. East Coast facing the Atlantic, you should fortify your home to withstand varied weather conditions. This includes hot, humid summers and short, mild to cool winters. The diverse weather system can take its toll on roofing materials, especially when they are long past their service life spans.

In an article for the Chicago Tribune, Mike McClintock gives some advice to homeowners on when to consider repair or replacement of their roofing system. It’s a good reminder to those who may be on the look-out for reputable roofers in Maryland to address some roofing concerns. According to McClintock, the best time for repairing an aging roof is during the summer, when the sun’s heat eases the job by making brittle tabs flatten out.

However, as McClintock pointed out, how many more winters can an aging and worn out roof survive? Most homes in the U.S. have asphalt shingle roofs (around four out of five new homes) and these can last around 20 to 50 years. The wide range is the result of many factors particularly the weight (the lighter, the longer it will last) and the design of the material, but the weather and surrounding environment can make these materials deteriorate faster.

Although there are many factors that can determine the life span of any kind of roofing material, McClintock claims that more than 2 million homes need new roofs each year. Age is not the only factor to consider when deciding on roof repairs or replacements; special attention must be given to the actual condition of the roof. On the other hand, there are many signs you can spot from the ground even before hiring a contractor.

First are wet spots or stains that you can easily see on attic ceilings and walls, including traces of tar that are evidence of rotting plywood decking. Outside, you can check shingles just by looking up without climbing any ladder, and if they look washed-out and have blotchy patches, you definitely have sure signs of deterioration. You can also check for cracks and little chunks of shingles on the ground and in the gutters.

When you see any of these signs, don’t waste time calling companies that offer the necessary services for roof repair in Maryland, like DryTech Roofing & Home Solutions. Otherwise, you may have to spend for the replacement of the whole roofing system. Doing that would certainly be more expensive.